From my school life I was very much curious about to know and learn new things that’s why I took part in all activities in school. At that time cycle stunt become very popular among the boys and girls of our age. That’s why I have founded a cycling group called Insane riders with my friends. From that time I become more curious about cycle. My first cycle was a normal cycle which I mainly use to go to school and also use for short tours. After some days I become curious about cycle stunt and that’s why I have bought a stunt cycle called Veloce Legion 60. I’m using this cycle for almost 3 years and got a lot of experience about this bike. Today I’m going to share my experience about this cycle to you and also share good and bad sides of this cycle. I hope it will become helpful for you.
Good sides:,/b>
-The braking system of this cycle is very good.
-The frame of this is low and very strong that’s why I can comfortably do stunt on it.
-The quality of the suspension of this cycle is very good.
-Good looking and the combination of the sticker is very attractive.
Bad sides:
-The sitting position of this cycle is not comfortable.
The major reason behind purchasing this cycle is, I feel very much attraction towards this cycle.
The gear shifting system of this cycle is very good and works effectively. The suspension of veloce is always good they have provided the suspension of XCM.. The oil brake that they have provided with the cycle was very good and because of oil brake it doesn’t lock the wheel. The sitting position of this cycle is not comfortable. But it is a perfect cycle for stunt and I feel very comfortable. It is a light but strong cycle and I think this cycle will become suitable for everyone. Thank you.